Production Blog: Continuing Editing
Hey Cambridge, I'm back. Editing is a lot slower than I expected. I thought by now we’d be close to finishing, but we’re still deep in the process, trying to get everything just right. Today, we focused on tuning some of the harder parts of the film. We’ve already done the first major cut, but now it’s all about fixing little details, tightening up scenes, adjusting pacing, and making sure the transitions don’t feel awkward. One of the biggest struggles has been cutting down certain scenes. Some shots we really loved just don’t fit anymore. Either they drag too long or mess with the film’s rhythm. It’s painful watching good moments get deleted, but we have to do what’s best for the story. We also ran into some unexpected problems. A few clips had weird audio issues like random static or background noise we didn’t notice before. I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to clean it up. Some of it was fixable, but other parts might need to be re-filmed. Color correction has also been a challenge. Some shots look too bright, others too dark, and a few have slight differences in tone. I have been trying to tweak them out one by one to make sure everything looks consistent. It’s a slow process, but it makes a huge difference. One thing that’s been fun is experimenting with different types of music. We tried out different background tracks for a few scenes, and it’s insane how much it changes the tone. A scene that felt tense with one track suddenly felt comedic with another. Despite all these challenges, it’s exciting to see this short film slowly take shape. It still doesn’t feel finished, but it’s getting there. Every time we watch a new version, it looks a little bit more like a real short film like ones we've watched. We still have a lot left to do, like, more sound work, more polishing, and probably a few more frustrating setbacks. But at least we’re moving forward. That's it for today Cambridge. Peace Out!!
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