Production Blog: It Happened Again

 Hey Cambridge, I'm back. I cannot believe this happened again. Just when we had finally gotten back on track, another scheduling conflict messed everything up again. This time, it was because of the weather. Our game from last week got rained out, and the rescheduled date just so happened to land right on today’s filming. I didn’t even realize it until my coach sent a reminder this morning. As soon as I saw the message. I knew exactly what this meant. I had to tell the group that I wouldn’t be able to make it. Last time, they had been frustrated but understanding. This time I didn't know what would happen. When I told my partner, she starting laughing and insisted I was joking. I shook my head. No joke. Just terrible luck. She immediately checked the schedule to see if there was anything we could do without me. Just like before, the answer was no. The entire day had been built around filming key scenes with my character. Without me, there was nothing to shoot. We just laughed in disbelief. She jokingly asked if the film should just be about baseball instead, but this big of a change so late would be impossible. I apologized again, but I could tell it didn’t really make a difference. At this point, I felt like I was letting her down, no matter where I was. I couldn’t control the weather, but that didn’t make it any less frustrating. I know I have to make this up to her somehow. If another game gets rescheduled, I’ll make sure to let them know as soon as possible. I can’t keep being the reason we fall behind. For now, all I can do is play my best and hope there are no more surprise changes. If the weather keeps messing with the schedule, I might just start bringing my script to the dugout. 


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