Production Blog: Starting Editing

 Hey Cambridge, I'm back. After all the scheduling chaos, missed days, and rushed shoots, we’ve finally made it to the editing stage. It feels weird not having to worry about scheduling but now we’ve entered a whole new challenge, piecing everything together. Editing for the first time, in a while, I expected a smooth process. We filmed almost everything, so now we just had to put it together. The first thing we did was watch the raw footage, and immediately, we spotted problems. An error with reflections of the camera. A shot where I blinked at the worst possible moment. Little mistakes we hadn’t noticed on set were now glaringly obvious. Since I started sorting through takes I tried to find the best ones. Sometimes, the "best" take performance wise had a technical issue, forcing us to compromise. It was frustrating but also really cool. One thing I didn’t expect was how much of the story could change in editing. A scene that felt dramatic on set might feel slow during editing.  A moment we thought was minor ended up being a highlight. I tried played around with pacing, cutting lines, and even rearranging shots to make things flow better. I also realized how much sound mattered. Without background music or sound effects, some scenes felt awkward. We laughed at how weird the raw audio sounded like footsteps echoing, clothes rustling, random noises in the background. Despite these challenges, seeing the film come together was exciting. Every time the I made a cut, it felt a little more like a real short film. Were nowhere near done, though. There’s still color correction, sound mixing, and maybe even reshoots if we find something unusable. The work isn’t over yet, but at least we’re in the final stretch. After everything we went through to get here, I just hope the final product is worth it. One thing is for sure I’ll never look at a film the same way again. That's it for today Cambridge. See ya!!


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