Production Blog: Beginnings of Filming
What's up blog I'm back and ready to resume talking about my final task. Today I filmed some scenes with my partner. I was assigned the role of filming. When filming started we were struggling. The group had to continue to redo the scenes because of procrastinating. This made the filming process longer than expected. But eventually, we stopped and focused on the tasks at hand. I began to start the final shootings for these scenes. I have to come to enjoy being behind the camera. Filming the scene and having control of the angle and different types of shots was cooler than I expected. Although I only filmed the some of the scenes, it was good to get a feel for what is to come in the future. From what I have filmed it seems that this short film is on its way to becoming a very good project. I hope as we progress I will be able to take more of a leadership role and make sure the group is on task and proficient in time management. Including myself I need to check myself so I can get the work done and make sure it is done correctly. Hopefully, in the future, we will be able to complete more scenes together in the time when the group is together. I know that finding times in the future when the group can all meet will be difficult. So for the present and the future, the group should be able to complete everything when we meet. But on the upside, we did do some scenes in the short film. Which puts our group on our timeline of finishing on time. But in the future we know what to do to become more efficient with our time. Can't wait to give you another update. Bye, Blog!
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