Editing Blog: Wrapping Up Editing

Hey, blog I'm back. Today I am going to be wrapping up the editing process. I had planned on finishing editing last night but had to do some final touches today. When school finished I planned on going to Starbucks to finish editing. After school ended I drove to Starbucks where I remembered that I needed to finish other work. So I finished that work and began to edit. First I loaded up where I had left off on my computer. I had to add the music we had chosen previously to the Final Task. So I added the music to make sure each scene had it either in the background or louder in certain scenes depending on whether or not it was needed. After I did this I started to make sure the video was under the time limit. After I realized it was at the sweet spot for time. I was happy that every element could be shown in our video. Then I added some final touches. Where I made sure all the transitions were correct. I also had to make sure whether or not the scenes were in order to tell the stor...